Monday, April 8, 2013


Greyson has officially hit the "why?" stage of his toddler career.  Why is asked all day long about anything and everything.  Sometimes we want to laugh, sometimes we want to cry.

Tonight at dinner Trev and I were talking about feeling tired and lazy and I said that I had lost all my motivation to get anything done for the rest of the night.  Greyson says: "Mommy lost her motivation?"
"Where is it?"
We laughed
Then he followed that up with "mommy, your motivation is outside"

Another cute story from Greyson....
Earlier today when we were having lunch outside Greyson was listening to the birds singing and then told me he was going to search for the Golden Eagle, then 30 seconds later he saw a robin and exclaimed "there's the golden eagle".  We have no idea what the golden eagle came from.  I assume it's from a story, but I can't remember any about a golden eagle so we'll just assume it came from his very vivid and huge imagination.

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