Monday, July 2, 2012


Greyson has been talking up a storm for a long time now, and his vocabulary is just getting bigger and bigger everyday.  He knows his colours, is starting to count, and is memorizing parts of certain books.  Trevor and Greyson have story time everynight in Greyson's room and Greyson will finish sentences of some his favourite books.  He loves Dr. Suess books right now and he refers to them all as cat in the hat books.  He knows all the names of his family and extended family and their pets.  We have started to call each of the grandparents by their names to help him differentiate between, they sound as follows:
Grandpa brUUce
Grandma shar-n
Grandma JU-DEE - with a lot of emphasis on the Dee
Grandpa JOE - with a lot of emphasis on the J - he's sounding very German Mennonite these days
Grandma/Nanna BarD

He loves to pick up his toy phones and call various family members throughout the day.  He is also getting pretty amazing at negotiating now, especially with stories at the end of the day when he's in bed.  He also is starting to use the potty as an opportunity to delay bedtime or get down from the dinner table.  He is also getting pretty easy to reason with which is awesome.

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