Monday, August 29, 2016

Cottage with the Rowleys

Minnow catching here I think...

The all day job of pulling out a huge tree that has been in the water for years... Trevor was in his glory with tree maintenance

I beleive this is the first movie that we had to stop 5 mins in because it was "too scary"

Early risers getting in some early morning fishing

The babies

Checking on the frogs and fish

Boat Ride

Greyon went first in the tube

Then it was Alexis

And me and Ollie has a nice slow little pull as well

Its possible Ruby was tired

One exhausted kid... the sleeping didn't last long and it was back to driving us crazy on the long ride home..."truck, truck!"   "tractor, tractor!"

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Random August Happenings

Chillin' with Auntie Lisa before she pops

Special snack and movie in lexis room - watching a nature show

New Tire swings