Saturday, November 24, 2012

Visiting Grandpa and Grandma

A little visit with Grandpa Bruce and Grandma Sharon after their cruise.  Our kids look pretty pale next to their grandparents:)

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Thorougly enjoying her jolly jumper!

 Cute little bath buddies...

Tuesday, November 13, 2012


Katie, Josh and Isla came over after Mother Goose program and we were serenaded by Greyson and Josh.  Greyson also requested that Aunt Katie play a concert as well - it consisted of Yankee Doodle over and over again.

Sweet little Isla

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Pictures at the farm

Back in October the Mayer family had some family photos taken at the family Farm - The Mayer Family Homestead.  My friend Lisa took the photos and they are amazing.  Here are just some of the photos that were taken that day....

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

two more cute stories...

Before I forget I wanted to add two more things that Greyson said today that were super cute.

This morning we were all (Grey, Lexi and I) hanging out in mine and Trev's room - Greyson got Thomas to jump up on our window sill so he could show him the new cat house outside.  He said "Thomas, that is the cat house that my daddy built.  It is very very tall." 

Later we went to Mother Goose program with Katie, Josh and Isla and then went out to lunch.  Greyson said "Holy Cow!" about 15 times at various things through out our outing - a toy truck at program, the restaurant sign, the baseball and basketball on the tv at the restaurtant, etc.  It made me laugh.

That's all for now!

Monday, November 5, 2012

just an update...

I thought some of you may be interested to know that we looked at Greyson's old growth chart today to see how different Lexi and him were.  Lexi is 27 inches long at 6 months and Greyson was already 27 inches long at 3 months.  She is still on the bigger end of the graph for her age, but Greyson was truly a giant.

Some more cute things that are coming from Greyson these days are...
  • Greyson likes to tell Lexi, and the animals when they should "never, ever, ever, ever" touch something that we have told them not to touch.  This morning it was some clips that G was playing with and I told him not to give them to Lexi.  He then proceeded to lecture Lexi that she was never, ever, ever, ever to touch the clips.  Pretty cute.
  • We asked Greyson what he thought we should add to the grocery list today and he added yogurt, blue paper, and a bunny.
  • He is "fixing" everything these days
  • He tells me that I look pretty after I have gotten dressed for the day.
  • He is also quite the chef and uses his tongs, pots, etc to make yummy food for the family - eveything is "hot", and then when he gives it to us he informs us that it is now warm and ready to eat.
Lexi is sitting up on her own with no support, starting solid foods and saying "da-da", "ma-ma", and "ba-ba".