Thursday, January 20, 2011

Just some recent random goodtimes...

Wearing dad's hat and looking adorable as per usual!

Hanging out with his new buddy- Aiden!

Getting pulled around in his sled is a new favourite activity and the dogs enjoy it too!

I love this next picture of him and Sookie - he looks absolutely panicked about Sookie trying to to sneak a taste of his food.

My old man on the couch - just thought I would sneak that one in there:)

Looking adorable in his diapers!

Lots of Toys...

Greyson received a lot of fun new toys for Christmas and he has been enjoying them daily! He has been sitting by himself unsupported for awhile now which comes in very handy when he is enjoying his new toys. The tower of rings from Aunt Katie and Uncle Jeff, and the ball popping snail from Grandma Padfield are big hits right now. Bill the cat also enjoys the ball popping snail and is often seated nearby watching when we get that toy out as he likes to chase the balls that fly onto the floor.

Hanging out with his Cousins and enjoying solid foods - that's a weird sentence!

Here are some cute pics of Greyson and his cousin Eydie when they stayed with us for Christmas - I just realised when looking at pictures that I don't have any of Jonah and Greyson at Christmas - how did that happen?? Anyway here is Eydie and Greyson hanging out in their jammies, eating, bathing - you know the usual! Also some extras of Greyson throughly enjoying his yams and carrots.

Eydie made some real friendships that weekend with Casanova and Wilson and very quickly learned that it is fun to feed dogs

And here is one of Josh and Greyson after a nice little bath together.

Greyson's first Christmas

I have been lazy again with posting so I am a little late with Christmas photos. Here are just a few cute little pics of the G Man with his first encounter with Santa Claus, presents and the first family Christmas photo. The family photo was quite the ordeal - first Greyson threw up all over his adorable little outfit (hence the white blob on his chest), then the dogs were walking around and facing the wrong way, then we lost Bill, then Sookie, and then Sookie started to hiss and scratch me everytime we were able to grab her and tried to make her sit still. Finally we gave up and let Sookie leave the family photo and just took a picture of the rest of us. But then of course she decided she would sit politely beside us just close enough to be within reach, however not close enough to get her in the picture without her knowing or needing to be constrained. Oh the joy of cats!